Scans From My Father: WWII 8th Army Air Force 385th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 549th Bombardment Squardron Original Images and scans by Walter John Zabower...all other images and scans are property of their respective owners.
S/Sgt. Walter John Zabower was a crew member of the USAA B-17-F "Mission Belle" #42-30197- 8th Army Air Corp - 385th Heavy Bombardment Group - 549th Bombardment Squadron located at Great Ashfield, England. The group tail code was a "Square-G". Walter participated in - and survived - 25 missions over Nazi occupied Europe between 17 July 1943 and 11 December 1943. Walter was injured during the Bremen "1000 plane" raid on 29 November 1943 where he took shrapnel from a German 20mm shell in the right arm and head. After R&R at the Don Cesar in Saint Pete FL, he then was assigned as a radio instructor for B-24 crewmen. Walter received many medals during his service; including the Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross, a Bronze Star, and the Air Medal w/ 3 OLC. Walter also brought home some of that Nazi shrapnel; in his head, shoulder and arm. Walter was credited with (1) enemy kill. (I will tell you the the site develops). Walter John Zabower received an Honorable Discharge on 16 January 1945.
This site will contain scans from the photos that he took (comments by me)...and some other interesting stuff that he collected along the way. I will be adding to this site as time allows. The goal is to digitize all of his stuff by the end of 2011. I hope you appreciate and enjoy the information and history provided here...
My dad did not often talk about this part of his life...but when he did - I never forgot... There are no words that could describe how proud we are of what you did are a true American. May the journey be as sweet as the illusion for you Walter...